At Key Stage 3, homework adheres to the following expectations:
- Is purposeful and meaningful
- Approximately 20-30 mins of work
- One-week completion time
- Builds on learning by increasing depth and/or breadth of understanding
- Is not a prerequisite for students to be able to access the next lesson
- Enables pupils to receive feedback whether that is by self-mark, peer mark,
- Whole class discussion or individual marking (with WWW & HTI)
- Set via Classcharts
At Key Stage 4, homework adheres to the following expectations:
- Is purposeful and meaningful
- Maximum of 60 mins work per week with a minimum of two days to complete any work. However, consideration should be taken on deadlines when setting longer pieces.
- When setting ‘revision’, students need guidance as to the type of task they could complete
- If a homework is supporting revision, make this clear to pupils as they often feel that they haven’t got ‘time’ to revise due to homework
- Builds on learning by increasing depth and/or breadth of understanding
- Is not a prerequisite for students to be able to access the next lesson
- Enables pupils to receive feedback whether that is by self-mark, peer mark, whole class discussion or individual marking (with WWW & HTI)
- Set via Classcharts
Ways that parents/carers can support learning at home:
- Ensure your child has a quiet space to complete homework or if this is difficult, encourage them to attend Homework Club.
- Look at Classcharts with your child and set aside a time each day for homework to be completed.
- If it isn’t possible to work one evening, support your child in planning when they will complete those pieces during that week.
- ‘Revising’ is an incredibly complex word that is used regularly but causes so many problems for students. Encourage your child to create mind maps, flash cards or use a quizlet when revising.
Please contact Mrs Parker, Assistant Principal, if you have any further questions [email protected]