Students receive insight into NHS career pathways

Year 8 Students at Tewksbury Academy were treated to a theatre presentation this week informing them of careers and opportunities within the NHS.

The show – funded by the ‘We Want You’ careers outreach project from the Integrated Care System, One Gloucestershire – was an informative and fun introduction to post 16 & 18 pathways.

It focused on the different career and training options available within NHS Health & Social Care and the importance of planning for a successful future.

The session is designed to:

  • Increase students’ awareness of the wide range of careers and opportunities within the NHS Health & Social Care, highlighting non-clinical as well as clinical roles.
  • Raise the aspirations and motivate all students to consider a career within the NHS and Health & Social care.
  • Equip young people with the understanding of where to access information, advice and guidance.
  • Highlight the NHS constitutional values and the importance of patient care.
  • Ensure that the ethos of students’ educational input provides the opportunity to overcome socio/economic and cultural barriers to career progression participation.
  • Strengthen progression routes into healthcare vocational courses.
  • Promote the many routes students can take post-16, and how these different routes reflect their preferred learning styles and can all lead to fulfilling careers with the NHS Health & Social Care.

Careers Lead Sarah Baird said: “Students took part in an engaging one-hour interactive theatre presentation aiming to inspire young people to identify their skills and personal interests which can be matched to a future career in health and social care.

“The programme has been designed to raise aspirations and motivate all students to plan for and achieve the highest level they can in education and training. It will also examine the importance of GCSEs, Post-16 options, Post-18 options and staying on in education until 18.”

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