A-level Physics

Physics A Level is the ultimate challenge for anyone who loves asking why and isn’t afraid to work for answers. It’s tough — no doubt about it — but it’s also incredibly rewarding, unlocking secrets of the universe and giving you the tools to shape the future.

Think of it this way: Da Vinci dreamed of flying machines, and you’ll learn the forces that actually make them soar. You’ll dive into the wave-particle nature of light, uncover the mysteries of energy and motion, and explore the physics that powers everything from helicopters to smartphones.

Want to know what happens when atoms collide? Physics will take you there, from the fundamental building blocks of matter to the cutting-edge science of the Large Hadron Collider. It’s challenging, yes—but if you’re curious about how the universe works, there’s no more exciting journey to take.

Subject Specific Entry Requirements

The following subject entry criteria should be met: Grade 6-6 if combined science. Separate Science requires a Grade 6 in GCSE physics; 5 in GCSE maths.

Exam Board

Pearson EDEXCEL Physics (9PH0)

This Course Will Lead to

With a Physics qualification, the career opportunities are numerous and varied. It’s essential for degrees in engineering, astrophysics, and robotics, but also supports careers in computer science, finance, architecture, and renewable energy. Whether you dream of designing rockets, creating cutting-edge tech, solving climate challenges, or working in medicine, Physics gives you the skills to problem-solve, think critically, and innovate. It’s your ticket to shaping the future in almost any field you choose.

The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible. A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “universe,” a part limited in time and space.” Albert Einstein

Subject Overview

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