Students showcase culinary expertise at after-school Make & Bake club

At Tewkesbury Academy’s after-school Make & Bake club, students enthusiastically rolled up their sleeves, tied on their aprons, and got to work creating culinary delights.

This week, the spotlight was on baking as the students prepared delicious flapjack cookies.

The young bakers demonstrated impressive skills in measuring, mixing, and baking, resulting in treats that had everyone’s mouths watering.

While the goal was to take the cookies home, it was still a challenge for students to resist the temptation to taste them fresh from the oven!

A spokesperson for the academy said: “We’re so proud of the students’ enthusiasm and creativity in the Make & Bake club.

“Activities like these not only help them develop practical life skills but also encourage teamwork and a love for learning.

“It’s wonderful to see their confidence grow with each session.”

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Ashchurch Road
GL20 8DF
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