Students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), from Year 7 to Year 13, will find support available from teachers and teaching assistants. Support is fully inclusive and takes place within classrooms to exemplify the Quality First Teaching staff provide.
Our Learning Support area provides bespoke interventions for those students who require additional support for; Cognition and Learning, Social, Emotion & Mental Health (SEMH) needs, Communication & Interaction and Physical & Sensory Needs. In addition, our Learning Support area is available to SEND students during social times.
Our Learning Support Team support students with a range of learning needs including Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) including medical needs, Young Carers, Children in Care (CiC) or Previously Looked After Children (PLAC)
In meeting these needs, the academy seeks to ensure the curriculum is accessible, relevant, engaging, enjoyable, progressive and capable of leading to achievement for all students.
A child has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision, in addition to what is provided for their other peers, to be made for him or her. Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can affect a child’s ability to learn. They can broadly affect their:
If you have concerns about your child’s progress, you can initially speak to your child’s subject teacher, tutor or Head of Year. If you are concerned your child is still not making progress, you can speak to Ms Hawtree, the school’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (NASENCO) who has responsibility for SEND, or another member of the SEND team. Or click on the link below to see our Graduated Response.
Rachel Hawtree: Associate Assistant Principal, SENCO, Designated Teacher for Looked After Children (LAC) – [email protected]
Jen Green: Deputy SENCO, Parent Liaison, Interventions and EHCPs – [email protected]
Tracy Byrne: Transition and Provision Plans – [email protected]
Trish Donnelly: Exams and Access Arrangements – [email protected]
Juliet Sirrell (Admin Team): Medical Needs – [email protected]