Applied Business Level 3

The course covers the same main areas as the Business Studies A Level, but with a more 'hands-on' approach. A high proportion of the Applied Business course is coursework based and units studied previously include marketing a business and organising an event, with last year's Paddle Power event raising a significant sum for charity. Are you up to the challenge of being as motivated as your predecessors? Are you ready to work as a team? If so, then Applied Business is the course for you to study.

Subject Specific Entry Requirements

In addition to the standard entry requirements, the following subject entry criteria should be met: Grade 4 in Business GCSE if taken, Grade 4 in GCSE English language

Exam Board

OCR- Cambridge Technicals Level 3 in Business

This Course Will Lead to

This is a great course for anybody who wants to be well prepared for the world of work. Many students taking this subject also go on to study business at university. Employers particularly value the practical skills learnt on this course.

“The highlight of the course for me has been running our Paddle Power event and raising such a fantastic sum for Charity’:

Subject Overview

In This Section

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Tewkesbury Academy
Ashchurch Road
GL20 8DF
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Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590