BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care

The Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Health and Social Care (Extended Certificate) is an Alternative Academic Qualification (AAQ) designed for post-16 students with an interest in health and social care and aiming to progress to higher education as a route to graduate level employment.

Equivalent to one A Level in size, it is suitable for students looking to develop their applied knowledge and skills in health and social care alongside two A Levels.

Subject Specific Entry Requirements

The following subject entry criteria should be met: Preferable 4 in English language

Exam Board

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Award in Health and Social Care

This Course Will Lead to

This qualification can lead to progression to the following degrees:

•        BSC Nursing

•        BSC Social Work

•        BSC Subjects Allied to Health.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about Health and Social Care. ft has provided me with a great deal of knowledge about the needs of individuals and I will use this to pursue a career in teaching. My classmates are also going on to study a range of health courses at undergraduate level including nursing, midwifery and occupational health”.

Subject Overview

In This Section

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